We have Shetland Sheep Lambs, Gulf Coast Native Sheep lambs, and Mini Nubian kids for sale.
Contact us at [email protected]
Shetland Sheep
Sheep have lived on the Shetland Islands for well over 1,000 years, adapting to the harsh environment and thriving in the cold, wet climate. The sheep of Shetland were an important part of subsistence agriculture of the islands, and the rugged habitat and geographical isolation produced a breed that is distinct and significant. The Shetland breed likely descends from ancient Scandinavian sheep. It is a member of the northern short-tailed sheep breed family and is one of the smallest of the British sheep breeds.
Historically, only a few Shetland sheep were exported, and it was not until recently that large populations were established on the British mainland and in other countries.
Shetland sheep are small and fine boned. Rams weigh 90–125 lbs. and ewes weigh 75–100 lbs. They are a relatively slow growing breed that is hardy, adaptable, and long-lived. Most rams have spiraled horns, while most ewes are polled. Their naturally short tails do not require docking. Like other primitive sheep breeds, the ewes are seasonal breeders, becoming fertile in October and November and lambing in the spring-summer. They may have twins, triplets, or even quads. Ewes are excellent mothers with ample milk.
Shetland sheep are calm, docile, intelligent, and have a charming disposition. Some are even said to wag their tails when petted. Their retained primitive survival instincts make them an easy-care breed.
The Shetland breed is especially prized for its wool, which is fine, soft, and strong. Fleeces average 2-4 lbs. and vary in crimp from wavy to straight.
Shetland sheep are a good choice for their fiber, meat, and milk, and they make good pets for children.
Shetland sheep are listed as RECOVERING on The Livestock Conservancy Conservation Priority List.
$250 each for Shetland lambs
Email us at [email protected] if interested.
Gulf Coast Native Sheep
Gulf Coast sheep, also known as Gulf Coast Native sheep, Woods sheep, and Native sheep, descend from the Spanish flocks brought to the New World by explorers and settlers beginning in the 1500s. The genetic origins of the Gulf Coast breed are not known, since a wide variety of types and breeds of sheep existed in Spain at that time. Churro sheep, multi-purpose animals used for meat, milk, and coarse wool, were commonly brought to the Americas by the Spaniards, however, and may well have contributed to the breed’s foundation. At the same time, the Gulf Coast’s fine wool suggests a contribution from pre-Merino types as well.
Gulf Coast Native sheep are listed as CRITICAL on The Livestock Conservancy Conservation Priority List.
$250 for ewes
$200 for rams
If interested call us at 210 422 0619 or email us at [email protected]
Mini Nubians
The Mini-Nubian is a mid-sized goat being of mixed Nigerian and Nubian origin. It is known for being a graceful, elegant animal standing between 23-31 inches and comes in any color or pattern of short, fine, glossy hair. This mid-sized goat is know for its ease of milking; producing a high quantity and quality of milk whose butterfat yield is similar to that of the standard Nubian.
we get some with blue eyes and most have moon spots.
$75 Bucklings
$125 Doelings
If interested call us at 210 422 0619 or email us at [email protected]